What Rejection Rate Are You Willing To Accept?

Being happy with a 2% eCommerce conversion rate is absurd.

Accepting 2% means that you’re ok with 98 people out of 100 not buying your product or service.

Industry standards say that 2% is a “good” conversion. However, this is is based on national averages across 100,000+ eCommerce sites and it includes stores that make $0 revenue.

This means that the best of the best and the worst or the worst are being averaged out to an extremely low number.

So what is a good eCommerce conversion rate? 3%? 4%?

The better question is: what’s the rate of rejection that you’re willing to accept?

At Anatta, we’re not willing to accept 96 out of 100 people (4% CR) leaving. We’re not even willing to accept 92 out of 100 people (8% CR) leaving. That’s leaving money on the table.

At Anatta, our target is much higher. If you love your company and the products that you are selling, your target should be much higher too.

Aiming for 10-12% CR is not unrealistic – it’s accurate. The majority of brands we work with convert between 6-8% on non-holidays and 12-15% during holidays.

This “high” conversion rate is achieved because these brands didn’t give up at 2%, 5%, or even 8%. They wanted better and they worked closely with us to achieve it at scale.

When you are in tune with your visitors – you know who they are, what they want, and how to give them the best experience satisfying that want – a 10-12% conversion rate is possible.

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    Nirav Sheth
  • Nirav is the CEO and founder of Anatta. Nirav received his engineering degree in 2006 from George Washington University. Prior to Anatta, he served as founder of Dharmaboost, a software company working with Cisco Systems, Hewlett Packard, and New Leaf Paper. He is also cofounder of Upscribe, a next-level subscription software for fast growing eCommerce brands.