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Moving to a headless architecture is not going to level-up your tech stack; it’s going to parallel it. In fact, most eCommerce stores would see little benefit from a headless solution.More
Moving to a headless architecture is not going to level-up your tech stack; it’s going to parallel it. In fact, most eCommerce stores would see little benefit from a headless solution.More
Code freezes exist to ensure that no bugs—big or small—usurp your sales during high-traffic periods. During a code freeze, there are five main priorities you should tackle.More
Customer service is an acquisition channel. It’s a way to grow the LTV of your customers significantly, and a powerful tool to drastically increase your conversions.More
Without the added roadblocks that used to surround global commerce, the question isn’t: “Should I launch my eCommerce business internationally?” But instead: “What can I do to ensure international brand success?More
Many brands tend to rinse and repeat an A/B testing strategy that fails to see the bigger picture. With growth hacks, you may see small gains today, but you’re sacrificing an opportunity for long-term growth.More